My Stroke in the Fast Lane with Bonni Brodnick
Run Time: 75 min.
My Stroke in the Fast Lane: A Journey to Recovery begins on Easter Sunday morning. While driving home on Interstate 95 at 65 mph, Bonni had a stroke. Her 86-year-old mother, sitting in the passenger seat, grabbed the wheel and crashed them into a guardrail.
Bonni’s stroke left her unable to walk, talk, or swallow. Timing couldn’t have been worse. Her son was getting married in only eight weeks.
This profoundly moving memoir is about Bonni’s recovery and resuming what she calls, her “magnificent life.” Told with authenticity and honesty, her tenacity, perseverance, and humor see her through the darkness of Stroke Land. Bonni’s courage and resilience take the reader on a compelling and inspirational journey.
Bonni Brodnick is the author of Pound Ridge Past (now in its second edition) and was a weekly columnist for the Record-Review, Pound Ridge “Talk of the Town.” She was formerly with Cond Nast Publications, has written scripts for Children’s Television Workshop, and was editor of two academic magazines. Bonni is an award-winning communications specialist, a member of the Pound Ridge Authors Society, and has a blog (bonnibrodnick.com). In addition, Bonni is an ambassador for the American Heart Association and a proud Stroke Survivor.
Stephanie Susnjara, writer/editorial strategist who worked with Brodnick from the beginning of recovery, will moderate a Q&A.